
This site has two search options - simple and advanced.

The simple search is your default way in to finding assets. The simple search box searches on object numbers, titles, descriptions and categories. Enter your search words in the search box and click on the search button. This will take you to the search results page.

For example, a search for “tanks” will look for objects which include tanks in their descriptions or object names. Some words have multiple meanings, so this search will give you records relating to different types of tanks, including petrol and water tanks.

Content tiles

Under the simple search box there are some rows of tiles. Each of these represents pre-selected content relating to IWM exhibitions or themes. If you want to view material that is being used in an exhibition, this is your best starting point. These tiles will be refreshed regularly to keep the selections up to date.

Advanced search

If you want to make your search more specific, you can use the advanced search to search on any combination of the fields on the screen. Once you have filled in your search words (using as many categories as you want to specify), click on the search button and you will be taken to the search results page.

Search tips

If you are unsure of the spelling of the word you want to search on, or want to search for the start of a word, you can use an asterisk as a ‘wildcard’ in the search.