- Spine and pelvis showing scoliosis in an achondroplasic dwarf
- GC.5352-3
- Thorax. Articulated spine and pelvis shoving scoliosis at the From a male aged 66 years, a chondrodysplasic, (achondroplasic) dwarf who died of bronchitis and pneumonia. He had led an active life and earned his livelihood as a manual labourer in a jute mill. The skull (1.(l).h.58-) the humeri (l.(9)*h.3.-) the femora (1. (14).h*14. ) and other bones showed the characteristic deformity of this type of chondrodysplasia, A sinistroconcave scoliosis without rotation affects the thoracic vertebrae from the fourth to the twelfth inclusive. The maximum curvature is at the level of the seventh thoracic vertebra and there is a slight degree of compensatory dextroconcave lumbar scoliosis. The affected thoracic vertebrae are of less vertical diameter in the concavity of the curve. A slight degree of chronic arthritis has produced some lipping of the contiguous margins of the centra of the cervical vertebrae.
- Late nineteenth/early twentieth century
Height: Box 18 cm
Height: Specimen 15 cm