- Lower jaw showing a large sarcoma
- GC.13610
- Lower jaw including teeth and tongue showing a large mixed-cell ossifying sarcoma, involving the body of the lower jaw. The tumour is of considerable size and weighted several pounds. Amputated by James Syme (1799-1870). As figuring in his 'Principles of Surgery', 3rd edition, 1842, p.200. It is described as a fibro-cartilaginous tumour of the bone: "The tumour is productive of little inconvenience except for its size, but on this account is often a source of great annoyance and distress; as when the lower jaw, humerus, metacarpal bones, or phalanges of the fingers are affected... There is reason to believe, that if the fibro-cartilaginous substance could be completely eradicated, the bone would resume its natural shape and size; but as its cellular or honeycomb-looking structure, when expanded by the disease, renders such an extraction impracticable, the only remedy is removal of the bone affected; and this operation, however disagreeable in some situations from the deformity occasioned by it, may at least be performed with a favourable prospect of effecting a permanent cure."
- Nineteenth century
Height: Jar 30.7 cm
Diameter: 24.0 cm
Height: Specimen 19 cm