Scapula with osteomyelitis
The left scapula of an adult, showing the result of septic osteitis apparently following arthritis of the shoulder.
The glenoid cavity has been entirely destroyed and the axillary border is thick and irregular from combined decalcification and new bone formation. In its neighbourhood two large irregular openings perforate the infraspinatous fossa in the superior of which the bevelled edges suggest separation of a sequestrum. The supraspinatous fossa is also perforated and everywhere the bone shows more or less rarefaction. Ventral to the subscapular fossa a formation of new bone projects from the superior border and a large plate of bone lies ventral to and at some distance from the inferior half of the subscapular fossa. This plate of bone is supported from the vertebral border by three narrow bony pedicles by a much broader pedicle superior to the attachments of the teres major muscle and by irregular bony attachments to the neck of the scapula.