- Catarrhal Appendicitis
- GC.12216
- Catarrhal Appendicitis An example of catarrhal appendicitis. Externally there is little abnormality and the localised area of peritoneal redness may well be due to handling during removal. On section the acute inflammation with marked congestion extends along the whole length of the appendix and is confined to the mucosa. There are no concretions. Clinical History: History of umbilical colicky pain for twelve hours which later became localised in the right iliac fossa. Vomited on two occassions. Bowel acted five times with loose stools. Examination showed guarding and tenderness in the righ iliac fossa. Slight pyrexia (99*) and pulse rate increased (88 p.m).
- Twentieth century
Height: Jar 10 cm