- Plaster and tinted wax cast of the bladder and rectum showing the operation of perineal cystostomy
- GC.13656
- Urinary Bladder and Rectum. Plaster and tinted wax cast showing the operation of perineal cystostomy. Of an adult male who died after left lateral perinaeal cystotomy with extraction of one vesical calculus. Another calculus was found on post mortem dissection and there was para rectal septic cellulitis. A vertical incision some 60 mm, in length lies a little to the left of the anus. The left corpus cavernosum penis has been divided and its proximal portion removed. The urinary bladder, a part of the left wall of which has been removed, is small and the muscle hypertrophied. The internal urethral orifice has been prolonged to the left by the lithotomy incision and a vesical calculus lies posterior to it. Deep to the prostate is an abscess cavity to the left of the rectum. "The cast was taken to show the relation of the stone to the opening of the bladder and the great depth of the outward incision to the inside of the bladder."
- Nineteenth century, early
Length: Cast 16.0 cm