- Tumor of the Thyroid Gland
- GC.8646.a
- Histology Slide x1 Tongue with the larynx showing an aberrant thyreoid gland from a female aged 58 years who died of cardiac failure. She had been off work during four weeks on account of cardiac weakness, and was admitted to hospital moribund. At autopsy the heart was greatly enlarged, the mitral and aortic valves were sclerosed, and the aorta was atheromatous. There was no history to indicate that the aberrant thyreoid gland had given rise to any symptoms. The tumour forms a smooth, hemispherical swelling at the base of the tongue and has been divided medially by a sagittal incision. Its cut surface is composed of minute glistening nodules separated by fine strands of an extensive fibrous stroma. Microscopically the structure is that of normal thyreoid gland situated immediately deep to the surface layer of stratified squamous epithelium. The vesicles are of various size and filled with colloid.. The lining epithelium is of large cuboidal cells. There is parenchymatous proliferation with only slight indication of alveolar development or colloid storage.
Height: 16.6 cm
Width: 10.7 cm
Depth: 5.4 cm
Length: Slide 7 cm
Width: Slide 2.5 cm