Wooden and brass pill maker
Wooden and brass pill maker made by Maw London. The measurement on the pill maker is 5 grains. There are two pill holders which read 15 grms and have the Maw Son and Thompson markings. There is a round wooden piece which looks like a gavel base. The rolling pill maker handles have been marked with 4 and 12
Pharmaceutical ingredients would be rolled into a paste like tube and placed across the brass corrugated sections. The handle would then be put in place and moved over its rail to divide the roll of paste into equally sized parts which would then be rolled into pills.
Donated by Dr Reginald J McBride BSC MSC PHD MPS, (1931-2019) Senior Lecturer in Pharmacy at Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh. Royal Pharmaceutical Society Medicines Testing Laboratory.
19th century (late)