Watercolour of gangrenous toes
Toes. Water-colour drawing of two aspects of a left foot showing gangrene of the
Of a female aged 21 years the subject of pulmonary tuberculosis. A year previously she was under medical treatment for acute nephritis. Discoloration of the toes had progressed during six weeks and pain in the ankle had been treated by application of the actual cautery.
The distal half of the foot is dusky and the hallux, index and middle toes are partly black from gangrene. Definite lines of demarcation have not formed. There is stasis in the superficial veins of the foot, brown discoloration at the lateral malleolus the result of cauterization, and an atrophic condition of the skin on the medial aspect of the metatarsophalangeal articulation of the hallux.
From the hospital of J. Hogarth Pringle.