- Box with never used Endoscope
- @KDH
- Georg Wolf G. m. b. H (Manufacturer)
- An endoscope is a device with a light attached that is used to look inside a body cavity or organ. The scope is inserted through a natural opening, such as the mouth during a bronchoscopy or the rectum for a sigmoidoscopy. A medical procedure using any type of endoscope is called endoscopy. Stamp evident on all parts of a wolf holding a pin it its mouth, the mark of Richard Wolf a company based in Germany [and now USA] . A letter with the box states that it has never been used.
- Twentieth century, mid
Length: Box 36.5 cm
Width: 23 cm
Height: 8.5 cm
Length: Main Body 16.5 cm
Width: 6.5 cm
Height: 6 cm
Diameter: Probe black scope 3.3 cm
lenght: [Average] 23.3 cm