- Pelvis with fracture
- GC.5705
- Pelvis, with the second to the fifth lumbar vertebrae, showing a fracture. From an adult male whose buttocks were crushed between the ascending lift in which he was stooping forward and the floor above, He only survived the injury a few hours. Post-mortem examination showed rupture of the left anterior sacro-iliac ligaments. Fracture passes through the superior ramus at its junction with the body of the left os pubis and a corresponding fracture through the inferior ramus of the ischium at its junction with the ischial tuberosity. A second fracture passes through the junction of the inferior ramus of the pubis with the inferior ramus of the left ischium. The fragment thus set free having been lost has been artificially replaced. The left transverse processes of the second, third, fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae have been fractured through their bases. On the right side an incomplete transverse fracture extended from the anterior acetabulum margin and extending towards the greater sciatic passing approximately rd of the distance. There has been a subluxation of the right sacroiliac joint and on the left side a small fracture of the anterior margin of the sacroiliac joint involving the ala of the sacrum with resulting formation of a small detached but indisplaced fragment. Posteriorly a fracture has occurred at the margins of the sacroiliac joint involving the posterior and inferior iliac segment. This is a combined fracture dislocation of the pelvic ring involving a subluxation of the right sacroiliac joint and a fracture of both rami of the left pubis. There has been tilting of the ring and as evidenced by marginal fractures of both sacroiliac joints. (Diagram 13B Type 5).
- Twentieth century
Height: Pelvis 33 cm