- Pelvis with fracture of the pelvic rim
- GC.5708
- Pelvis, with the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae, showing a fracture. From a male aged 18 years who was riding a horse down a steep street when it got beyond his control and slipping on the pavement threw him over his head against a lamp-post which struck him on the pubes and he then fell to the pavement fracturing his left ilium. There was severe shock and the urine removed by a catheter was bloodstained. Vomiting occurred during the night, his pulse increased in rapidity and he died 24 hours after the accident. Post-mortem examination showed laceration of the urethra and much extravasation of blood into the tissues of the pelvis minor. A bilateral fracture passes symmetrically through the superior ramus at its junction with the body of the pubis and through the inferior ramus of the ischium at its junction with the tuberosity. A vertical fracture passes through the right pubic bone close to the symnphysis pubis and at its inferior termination passes through the inferior ramus of the pubis into the obturator foramen. From midway between the anterior superior and anterior inferior spines of the left ilium a fissure crosses the iliac fossa to the junction of the posterior with the middle thirds of the iliac crest. This is a combined fracture of the pelvic ring showing a bilateral fracture of both pubic rami on both sides (Diagram 13 Type 2). This is complicated by a transverse fracture of the ilium due to direct injury.
- Twentieth century
Height: Pelvis 24 cm