Skull showing periosteal sarcoma
Portion of the calvaria showing a neoplasmic deformation, likely a periosteal sarcoma.
From a female aged 26 a native of the north of Scotland who during eight years had from severe headaches, metal aberration and ultimately mania. The tumour began on the right parietal bone and gradually extended and ultimately fungated through the scalp
There had been associated decalcificatlon with new bone formation and as the tumour apparently began extracranially it was probably a periosteal sarcoma. The tumour has involved the frontal, the right and the adjacent part of the left parietal and the squama of the right temporal bone. Their outer surfaces have been decalcified and new bone formed to produce a coral-like mass ire osseous tumour covering the affected surface. In some parts the surface of the tumour is singly porous, in other parts it has a honeycomb appearance The diploe and to a less extent the inner table have been similarly affected and a ring of new bone spicules marks the limit of the tumour on the meningeal surface of the bones.
Nineteenth century